[self-interest] Re: Self to PC portfest (was: sparc emulator (was: Mac Emulator?))

Jecel Assumpcao Jr. jecel at merlintec.com
Thu Jan 6 21:52:55 UTC 2000

Daniel Enting wrote:
> > P.S.: today is Jan 6 - how is that "Self to PC portfest" coming along?
> Well, Gordon Cichon and Mario Wolczko are on there way. Large supplies of Coke and Coffe are installed, Pizza delivery service is warned.
> On Friday night or Saturday morning we will begin to rip out Gordon's i386 specific code from his Self 4.0 version and with David Ungars help over the net we will integrate it into Self 4.1.1.

Good luck!

Reinaldo Silveira sent me a private mail saying he ran the Self 4.1.1 sources
through this documentation program:


He said the result was 24MB of HTML pages and class diagrams that make it much
easier to get a handle on the source tree. Though I haven't seen it myself,
yet, it would probably be a really good idea to try this out before getting
down to the dirty work of rewriting code.

-- Jecel

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