[self-interest] partial conclusions about design patterns

Albertina Lourenci lourenci at lsi.usp.br
Wed Dec 6 13:54:35 UTC 2000

David Ungar wrote:

> Dear Albertina,
> Thanks for your apology; it was very sweet.
> I have mixed feelings about patterns in computer science.
> I sympathize with the Beta folks over the loss of the word to them.
> But the main problem I have is that I find GOF too superficial.
> I believe that values hold the essence of what is important.
> I find good values in Kent Beck's Smalltalk Best Practise Patterns book,
> but do not find them as much in GOF.
> I also read several years of PLOP proceedings and was not overwhelmed with
> the feeling that here was something critically important.
> Maybe a good tool for education or communication.

I do not know what this means.

> To me, whether or not something is presented as a pattern is far less
> important then its quality
> (in the Zen of Motorcycle Maintenance sense).
> So I love Knuth's books even though there is not one "pattern" in them.
> And I love Kent's book.
> And I suspect if I read Alexander, I would love his books, too.
> But because of their *quality*, not their form.
> I would rather teach people many different programming languages than
> teach them
> a bunch 'o patterns.

Well I studied Basic and Fortran when I was eighteen, I studied
Fortran in a graduate class of electronic engineers (my ex-husband's
students). He did not teach me anything and I was the best student!!! (1972)
Then my ex-husband told me if I studied mathmatics or physics I would
never unfold a modeling in architecture.
In 1988, I studied Pascal  and C with graduate students in mathmatics and
computer science. I was overstressed. After fifteen days I was performing
far better than they.  Then I discovered OO programming.
I studied C++, Eiffel, Sather, CLOS. Well I would have to deal with Black
board architectures in order to implement a knowledge based system.
Then I met Beta.  The existence of concurrency enabled me to overthrow
the Blackboard architecture.
Well then I found Self.
For me " pattern like thinking"  is obviously fundamental.  This is the
reason why I kept  changing languages.
I have been understanding graphical editors, graphical user
interfaces and so on due to being introduced to them by the GOF community.
I will experience patterns if necessary when I pursue the development of
a tutorial for applications in sustainable architecture.
I am very curious.

> Just my 2 cent's worth,

I wonder how with orthodox background you managed to create
such an hermeneutic language as Self.

> Hugs right back at you,
> A smile,


> - Dave
> --
>      David Ungar
>      Sun Microsystems Laboratories
>      (650) 336-2618

| Albertina Lourenci                                       |
| PhD  in Architecture and Urbanism                        |
| post-doctorate researcher                                |
| Laboratory of Integrated Systems University of Sao Paulo |
| Avenida Professor Luciano Gualberto, 158 Travessa 3      |
| CEP: 05508-900                                           |
| Sao Paulo Sao Paulo State Brazil                         |
| Voice: +55 011 818 5254                                  |
| Fax: +55 11 211 4574                                     |

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