[self-interest] Re: data structures

Jose' B. Garcia Perez-Schofield jgarcia at ei.uvigo.es
Wed Jun 9 15:58:15 UTC 1999

> Actually, the solution isn't at all obvious unless you really
> think about it:
>      (| parent* = traits oddball.
>         contents = vector copySize: 3 FillingWith: 0
>      |)
	Thank you very much !    :-)

> In Smalltalk we would do "vector new: 3" since everything is
> initialized with nil, but Self doesn't like defaults and so you
> have to choose some initial value (like 0 in this example)
> explicitly.

	It seems that Smalltalk had influented very much in the design of 

>   (| parent* = traits oddball.
>      contents = vector copySize: 3 FillingWith: 0.
>      record = (| parent* = (| parent* = traits clonable.
>                               getAge = (age).
>                               setAge: x = (Age: x).
>                               getName: (name).
>                               setName: x = (name: x) | ).
>                  age <-0.
>                  name <- 0. | )
>   |)

	Ok, ok, you have write in 10 lines what I was proud to get done 
in 15 minutes into the environment..... X-DDDDDDDDD

	By the way, what abaout the relation between the Self Console and 
the graphical environment. If I evaluate the expression '()' in the 
console, why the empty object doesn't appear onto the world ?
	It seems that the graphical part is very far from textual forms....

> You get the idea. You can also build the same object a piece at
> a time graphically, but it would be a bit hard to describe
> textually.

	yeah.. I suppose ..  ;-)

>      contents <- (record copy & record copy & record copy) asVector.
> With prototype based programming, it is better if a slot's value
> reflect its intended use at all times, instead of being initialized
> to one thing and then changed to another later.
	I think so !...

> I hope that helps,

> -- Jecel

	Thank you very much !


An OO surgeon would hand the scalpel to the patient and say: 
"now perform this operation on yourself!". 
PBC -- Jose' Baltasar Garcia Perez-Schofield -- jgarcia at ei.uvigo.es
Escuela Técnica de Informática de Gestión, Universidad de Vigo (Spain). 
Dep. Lenguajes y Sistemas Informaticos. Tfno 988-387029


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