[Self-interest] Total newbie needs some help

Colin Sare-Soar colin.saresoar at terrashape.co.uk
Tue Jul 20 11:26:43 UTC 2021

Hi Russell,

Apologies for all these posts, I misread your message and tried to add an attachment.
Here is the text copied from terminal:


(base) colins2 at HPZ420-Debian:~/Self-Release-2017.1$ ./Self -s core.snap
Self VM warning: cannot tell for sure about byte-order; guessing OK
for I386:  LogVMMessages = true
for I386:  PrintScriptName  = true
for I386:  Inline = true
for I386:  SICDeferUncommonBranches = false (not implemented)
for I386:  SICReplaceOnStack = false (not implemented)
for I386:  SaveOutgoingArgumentsOfPatchedFrames = true

	Welcome to the Self system!  (2017.1/2)

Copyright 1992-2016 AUTHORS.
See the legal/LICENSE file for license information and legal/AUTHORS for authors.

Type _Credits for full credits.

#0 (../objects/core/scheduler.self:1184): value = [ 
               "This is not a scheduled process--either it's
                  the scheduler itself or the scheduler isn't running.
                  p = schedulerProcess = _ThisProcess"
                p _PrintProcessStack.
                errorLevel: 0.
                p causeOfError reportError: p ForceStackTrace: false.
                p primitiveAbortProcess.
                ^ self.  "won't actually reach here"

#1 (../objects/core/boolean.self:170): ifTrue:False: = ( | self* = true. :b1 = <0>. :b2 = nil. |  
            b1 value )

#2 (../objects/core/boolean.self:237): ifTrue: = ( | self* = true. :b = <0>. |  ifTrue: b   False: nil )

#3 (../objects/core/scheduler.self:1179): suspendAndTrace: = ( | self* = <1>. :p = <2>. maxRecursiveErrors = 1. |  
            errorLevel: errorLevel succ.
            p = schedulerProcess ifTrue: [
               "This is not a scheduled process--either it's
                  the scheduler itself or the scheduler isn't running.
                  p = schedulerProcess = _ThisProcess"
                p _PrintProcessStack.
                errorLevel: 0.
                p causeOfError reportError: p ForceStackTrace: false.
                p primitiveAbortProcess.
                ^ self.  "won't actually reach here"
            errorLevel > maxRecursiveErrors ifTrue: [
               "Too many errors occurred in trying to handle the
                original error. Just safely print the stack."
                p _PrintProcessStack.
                errorLevel: 0.
                ^ self.
            suspend: p.

            (debug: p) ifTrue: [
              ('** suspendAndTrace: ', p objectID) printLine.

            p causeOfError reportError: p ForceStackTrace: false.
            p birthEvent ifNotNil: [
                selfProcessModel debugProcess: p.
            ] IfNil: [| id <- ''. |
                id: p objectIDNumber printString.
                p stderr write: 'To debug in ui2, type:      selfProcessModel debugProcess: ', id, ' as\n',
                                'to debug in console, type:  attach: ', id, '\n',
                                'to dump stack, type:        ', id, ' as printError.\n'.
            errorLevel: 0.
            self )

#4 (../objects/core/process.self:1403): value = [ scheduler suspendAndTrace: self ]

#5 (../objects/core/boolean.self:170): ifTrue:False: = ( | self* = true. :b1 = <3>. :b2 = <4>. |  
            b1 value )

#6 (../objects/core/process.self:239): performInScheduler:IfInside: = ( | self* = <2>. :action = <5>. :blk = <3>. |  scheduler inScheduler ifTrue: blk False: [_Yield: action] )

#7 (../objects/core/process.self:1401): suspendAndTrace: = ( | self* = <2>. :error = <6>. |  
            causeOfError: error.
            performInScheduler: suspendAndTraceAction
                      IfInside: [scheduler suspendAndTrace: self].
            self )

#8 (../objects/core/errorHandling.self:317): undefinedSelector:Receiver:Type:Delegatee:MethodHolder:Arguments: = ( | self* = <2>. :sel = 'x11Globals'. :rec = <7>. :msgType = 'implicitSelf'. :del = nil. :mh = nil. :args = <8>. |  
            forwardSend: 'undefined' Selector: sel Receiver: rec Type: msgType
              Delegatee: del MethodHolder: mh Arguments: args 
              IfSucceed: [|:res| ^res ].
                (((((processErrors undefinedSelector copy
                    receiver:     rec)
                    selector:     sel)
                    type:         msgType)
                    delegatee:    del)
                    methodHolder: mh)
                    arguments:    args.
            errorContinueValue )

#9 (<error>:1): x11Globals = ( | self* = <7>. delegatee = nil. selector = 'x11Globals'. | 
"undefined selector error;
this method was automatically generated by the VM."

#10 (../objects/core/hosts.self:1097): graphicsSystemGlobals = ( | self* = <7>. |  
            x11Globals )

#11 (../objects/core/hosts.self:1417): setGraphicsDependentGlobals = ( | self* = <9>. mir <- <10> "nil". |  
            mir: (reflect: globals).
            "Use frozenDefine to keep module cache clean."
            [graphicsDependentGlobals]. "browsing"
            mir frozenDefine: (mir copyAt: 'graphicsDependentGlobals' 
                                PutContents:  reflect: osForThisHost graphicsSystemGlobals. ).
            self )

#12 (../objects/core/sending.self:104): sendTo: = ( | self* = 'setGraphicsDependentGlobals'. :receiver = <9>. |  receiver _Perform: canonicalize )

#13 (../objects/core/sending.self:365): value = [  ^ sendTo: receiver  ]

#14 (../objects/core/boolean.self:170): ifTrue:False: = ( | self* = true. :b1 = <11>. :b2 = nil. |  
            b1 value )

#15 (../objects/core/boolean.self:237): ifTrue: = ( | self* = true. :b = <11>. |  ifTrue: b   False: nil )

#16 (../objects/core/sending.self:365): sendTo:WithArguments: = ( | self* = 'setGraphicsDependentGlobals'. :receiver = <9>. :a = <12>. |  
            0 = a size ifTrue: [ ^ sendTo: receiver ].
            1 = a size ifTrue: [ ^ sendTo: receiver 
              With: a at: 0 ].
            2 = a size ifTrue: [ ^ sendTo: receiver 
              With: (a at: 0) With: (a at: 1) ].
            3 = a size ifTrue: [ ^ sendTo: receiver 
              With: (a at: 0) With: (a at: 1) With: (a at: 2) ].
            4 = a size ifTrue: [ ^ sendTo: receiver 
              With: (a at: 0) With: (a at: 1) With: (a at: 2) With: (a at: 3) ].
            5 = a size ifTrue: [ ^ sendTo: receiver 
              With: (a at: 0) With: (a at: 1) With: (a at: 2) With: (a at: 3)
              With: (a at: 4) ].
            6 = a size ifTrue: [ ^ sendTo: receiver 
              With: (a at: 0) With: (a at: 1) With: (a at: 2) With: (a at: 3)
              With: (a at: 4) With: (a at: 5) ].
            7 = a size ifTrue: [ ^ sendTo: receiver 
              With: (a at: 0) With: (a at: 1) With: (a at: 2) With: (a at: 3)
              With: (a at: 4) With: (a at: 5) With: (a at: 6) ].
            8 = a size ifTrue: [ ^ sendTo: receiver 
              With: (a at: 0) With: (a at: 1) With: (a at: 2) With: (a at: 3)
              With: (a at: 4) With: (a at: 5) With: (a at: 6) With: (a at: 7) ].
            9 = a size ifTrue: [ ^ sendTo: receiver 
              With: (a at: 0) With: (a at: 1) With: (a at: 2) With: (a at: 3)
              With: (a at: 4) With: (a at: 5) With: (a at: 6) With: (a at: 7)
              With: (a at: 8) ].
            10 = a size ifTrue: [ ^ sendTo: receiver 
              With: (a at: 0) With: (a at: 1) With: (a at: 2) With: (a at: 3)
              With: (a at: 4) With: (a at: 5) With: (a at: 6) With: (a at: 7)
              With: (a at: 8) With: (a at: 9) ].
            11 = a size ifTrue: [ ^ sendTo: receiver 
              With: (a at: 0) With: (a at: 1) With: (a at: 2) With: (a at: 3)
              With: (a at: 4) With: (a at: 5) With: (a at: 6) With: (a at: 7)
              With: (a at: 8) With: (a at: 9) With: (a at: 10)].
            12 = a size ifTrue: [ ^ sendTo: receiver 
              With: (a at: 0) With: (a at: 1) With: (a at: 2) With: (a at: 3)
              With: (a at: 4) With: (a at: 5) With: (a at: 6) With: (a at: 7)
              With: (a at: 8) With: (a at: 9) With: (a at: 10) With: (a at: 11) ].
            error: 'need more cases' )

#17 (../objects/core/message.self:302): send = ( | self* = <13>. |  selector sendTo: receiver WithArguments: arguments )

#18 (../objects/core/snapshotAction.self:328): value: = [ | :msg = <13>. |  msg send  ]

#19 (../objects/core/defaultBehavior.self:419): value:With: = ( | self* = <14>. :a = <13>. :b = <13>. |  value: a )

#20 (../objects/core/list.self:486): value: = [ | :lnk = <15>. |  block value: lnk value With: lnk value ]

#21 (../objects/core/list.self:200): value = [ | saveNextToPermitRemoving <- <16> "nil". | 
                saveNextToPermitRemoving: lnk next.
                b value: lnk.
                lnk: saveNextToPermitRemoving.

#22 (../objects/core/block.self:586): value = [  value ifTrue: [ ^ nil ].  b value.  ]

#23 (../objects/core/block.self:258): loop = ( | self* = <17>. |  value. _Restart )

#24 (../objects/core/block.self:586): whileFalse: = ( | self* = <18>. :b = <19>. |  
            [ value ifTrue: [ ^ nil ].  b value. ] loop )

#25 (../objects/core/list.self:197): doLinks: = ( | self* = <20>. :b = <21>. head <- <20> "nil". lnk <- <15> "nil". |  
            head: next prev.
            lnk: next.
            [head == lnk] whileFalse: [ | saveNextToPermitRemoving |
                saveNextToPermitRemoving: lnk next.
                b value: lnk.
                lnk: saveNextToPermitRemoving.
            self )

#26 (../objects/core/list.self:486): do: = ( | self* = <22>. :block = <14>. |  
            rep doLinks: [|:lnk| block value: lnk value With: lnk value].
            self )

#27 (../objects/core/snapshotAction.self:328): sendMessages: = ( | self* = <23>. :msgs = <22>. |  msgs do: [|:msg| msg send ] )

#28 (../objects/core/snapshotAction.self:234): postRead = ( | self* = <23>. |  
            sendMessages: postReadMessages.
            scheduler start.
            self )

#29 (<postRead Snapshot>:1): <top level expr> = ( | self* = lobby. | snapshotAction postRea )


> On 20/07/2021 14:20 Russell Allen <mail at russell-allen.com> wrote:
> Hi, 
> Something is stopping Self from booting into its prompt (the VM# indicates you are still in the underlying VM prompt), that is why ‘help’ and ‘desktop open’ etc don’t work.
> _Quit works because it is a primitive (primitive methods start with an underscore)
> Can you cut and paste everything from your shell command up to the VM# prompt? The error messages might tell me what is going on
> Cheers Russell

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