Tutorial for beginners

itsnotgregg at gmail.com itsnotgregg at gmail.com
Tue May 22 20:45:27 UTC 2018

I think If you skip through the book to the morphs section it is a better place to start. 

  I was hoping to do several beginner tutorials but I am having trouble getting started myself. I think in a month or so I will be ready to get something consistent going. 

 It seems like a very fathomable language for beginners as in it doesn't seem like it would be hard to see all the way to the bottom. I really think this could be a language for the common man but right now it still seems to be a language for theorist. Just because their is not an army of people 

 There are lots of comments embedded in the system but for other accomplished programmers.

  If there could be some kind of wiki system attached to the comments featured within the program I'm sure the existing self enthusiasts could quickly make it an incredibly easy language to learn. 
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