Opening Morphs factory inside the primary window?

chris.double at chris.double at
Wed Dec 5 00:23:26 UTC 2018

On Tue, Dec 4, 2018 at 7:13 PM Mayuresh Kathe mayuresh at mailto:mayuresh at
 [self-interest] <self-interest at mailto:self-interest at > wrote:
 > Is it possible to enable the Morphs factory window be opened inside the
 > primary Self window?
 Yes, the factory is a Morph called 'factoryMorph'. You can create a
 copy of the morph that is in that factory window, but have it in the
 main Self desktop by running this in a shell:
 factoryMorph standardFactory copy.
 This puts an outliner for it in the hand. Drop it somewhere, then
 middle click on it and choose 'show morph'. The factory morph object
 will now be in the hand and you can drop it anywhere.


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