[self-interest] Changing prototype chain as state machine

David Goehrig dave at nexttolast.com
Fri Sep 30 19:11:17 UTC 2011

On Sep 30, 2011, at 1:50 PM, "Jecel Assumpcao Jr." <jecel at merlintec.com> wrote:

> hich we still use today) I
> Given how dynamic inheritance is actually used (to switch among a small
> number of constant objects rather than point to arbitrary ones) I came
> up with an implementation were an object with a dynamic parent would
> have several maps, one for each parent (up to five, for example). When
> you assign to the parent slot, you switch maps as a side effect.
> > A while back I gave a keynote at OOPSLA on the role of paradox in language
> > design.In general, I believe that better type systems are worse--depending
> > on the context. One loses the power of ambiguity. However, if you are
> > sending code to Mars, it's a good tradeoff. Anyway, I'll have to read the paper.
> I watched that talk - you had some static typing people grinding their
> teeth :-) Back in 2003 Java was at its zenith and stuff like Ruby and
> Javascript were still being ignored. By a coincidence, I had started
> using "sending code to Mars" in the mid 1990s as an example were
> traditional software engineering practices would be a good idea in
> contrast to other applications with GUIs where you might get better
> results through exploratory programming (we didn't have the term "agile
> programming" yet, though we already had some of the methods like Scrum).
> -- Jecel
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