[self-interest] Our two weapons are fear and surprise...and..

Bergel, Alexandre bergel at iam.unibe.ch
Wed Aug 5 22:41:17 UTC 2009

> FWIW, I've noticed that there is an inverse correlation between a
> person's sensitivity to negatives of X and the popularity of X among
> their peers and that this effect is so powerful that it is often
> confused with objective judgement.
> For example, a window's developer friend of mine who happily deals
> with the complexity of C++ templates (which are Turing complete!)
> claimed he was unable to wrap his head around Objective-C 's infix
> message syntax. Had Microsoft used Objective-C, I suspect his opinion
> of what is obvious would be quiet different.
> I can see the evolutionary benefit of this mental trait for getting
> groups of individuals to cooperate but blindness to it's influence is
> IMO the largest barrier to human social, political and technological
> progress.

This couldn't be said in a nicer way.



Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu

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