Update on Linux VM

Russell Allen mail at russell-allen.com
Tue Sep 30 02:43:31 UTC 2008

Hi guys,

I retreated to Ubuntu 7.04 (and GCC 4.1) and rebuilt the linux VM from the  
CVS sources.

The normal 4.3 barebones snapshot works with the exception of X (and thus  
morphic). This isn't suprising as it needs modifications to let it know it  
is running on Linux.  I'm working through those.

The 4.1-based gleibe.de/self image works as well, with partial success in  
opening a morphic window.  Basically, after every X call (I think) it  
freezes; _Flush brings very temporary relief.  If I execute something like  
"[ _Flush ] loop", I get a working but vvveeerrryyy ssslllooowwww morphic  



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