Lots of crashes

Michael Latta lattam at mac.com
Thu Jun 17 05:15:26 UTC 2004

Any idea why the UI keeps crashing on me?  I have yet to manage to 
complete a task before the UI locks up with a scheduler issue as in the 
log file below.


for PPC:  LogVMMessages = true
for PPC:  PrintScriptName  = true
for PPC:  Inline = true
for PPC:  SICDeferUncommonBranches = false
for PPC:  SICReplaceOnStack = false
for PPC:  SaveOutgoingArgumentsOfPatchedFrames = true
Self VM warning: _allocated went negative
Self VM warning: A one-word branch may not span the gap from the 
assembler buffer to the zone.
The assembler and generated code will run a bit slower (normal for Mac)
Self VM warning: ignoring failed Apple event:, -1708
#0 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/scheduler.self:1185): value = [
                "This is not a scheduled process--either it's
                   the scheduler itself or the scheduler isn't running.
                   p = schedulerProcess = _ThisProcess"
                 p _PrintProcessStack.
                 errorLevel: 0.
                 p causeOfError reportError: p ForceStackTrace: false.
                 p primitiveAbortProcess.
                 ^ self.  "won't actually reach here"

#1 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/boolean.self:168): ifTrue:False: 
= ( | self* = true. :b1 = <0>. :b2 = nil. |  b1 value )

#2 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/boolean.self:235): ifTrue: = ( | 
self* = true. :b = <0>. |  ifTrue: b   False: nil )

#3 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/scheduler.self:1180): 
suspendAndTrace: = ( | self* = <1>. :p = <2>. maxRecursiveErrors = 1. |
             errorLevel: errorLevel succ.
             p = schedulerProcess ifTrue: [
                "This is not a scheduled process--either it's
                   the scheduler itself or the scheduler isn't running.
                   p = schedulerProcess = _ThisProcess"
                 p _PrintProcessStack.
                 errorLevel: 0.
                 p causeOfError reportError: p ForceStackTrace: false.
                 p primitiveAbortProcess.
                 ^ self.  "won't actually reach here"
             errorLevel > maxRecursiveErrors ifTrue: [
                "Too many errors occurred in trying to handle the
                 original error. Just safely print the stack."
                 p _PrintProcessStack.
                 errorLevel: 0.
                 ^ self.
             suspend: p.

             (debug: p) ifTrue: [
               ('** suspendAndTrace: ', p objectID) printLine.

             p causeOfError reportError: p ForceStackTrace: false.
             p birthEvent ifNotNil: [
                 selfProcessModel debugProcess: p.
             ] IfNil: [| id <- ''. |
                 id: p objectIDNumber printString.
                 p stderr write: 'To debug in ui2, type:      
selfProcessModel debugProcess: ', id, ' as\n',
                                 'to debug in console, type:  attach: ', 
id, '\n',
                                 'to dump stack, type:        ', id, ' 
as printError.\n'.
             errorLevel: 0.
             self )

#4 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/process.self:1379): value = [ 
scheduler suspendAndTrace: self ]

#5 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/boolean.self:168): ifTrue:False: 
= ( | self* = true. :b1 = <3>. :b2 = <4>. |  b1 value )

#6 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/process.self:247): 
performInScheduler:IfInside: = ( | self* = <2>. :action = <5>. :blk = 
<3>. |  scheduler inScheduler ifTrue: blk False: [_Yield: action] )

#7 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/process.self:1377): 
suspendAndTrace: = ( | self* = <2>. :error = <6>. |
             causeOfError: error.
             performInScheduler: suspendAndTraceAction
                       IfInside: [scheduler suspendAndTrace: self].
             self )

#8 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/errorHandling.self:103): 
primitiveFailedError:Name: = ( | self* = <7>. :error = 'badTypeError: 
s_arg_0, smi'. :sel = '_SetRealTimer'. env = lobby. |
             env process this suspendAndTrace:
                 ((processErrors primitiveFailed copy
                     receiver: self)
                     selector: sel)
                     error:    error.
             env process this errorContinueValue )

#9 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/scheduler.self:875): 
setRealTimer: = ( | self* = <1>. :ms = <7>. |  ms _SetRealTimer. self )

#10 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/scheduler.self:988): value = [
                   ^ setRealTimer: procFirst wakeTime - currentTime.

#11 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/boolean.self:168): 
ifTrue:False: = ( | self* = true. :b1 = <8>. :b2 = nil. |  b1 value )

#12 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/boolean.self:235): ifTrue: = ( 
| self* = true. :b = <8>. |  ifTrue: b   False: nil )

#13 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/scheduler.self:984): value = [ 
| currentTime <- <9> "nil". procFirst <- <10> "nil". |
               timerWaiters isEmpty ifTrue: [^ stopRealTimer].
               currentTime: times real.
               procFirst: timerWaiters first.
               currentTime < procFirst wakeTime ifTrue: [
                   ^ setRealTimer: procFirst wakeTime - currentTime.
               timerWaiters removeFirst.
               procFirst fullyRemoveFromSemaphore.  "Remove from 
semaphore he is
                                                     on (can be 
               procFirst status = processStatus waiting ifTrue: [
                   "Only waiting processes can be woken up by timer 
                    For suspended and dead processes, timer alarms are 
                   procFirst timerWakeup: true.  "Indicate that timer 
woke him up."
                   moveToReadyQ: procFirst.

#14 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/block.self:259): loop = ( | 
self* = <11>. |  value. _Restart )

#15 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/scheduler.self:982): 
sigrealtimer = ( | self* = <1>. |
             traceSignal: 'SIGALRM'.
             [|currentTime. procFirst. |
               timerWaiters isEmpty ifTrue: [^ stopRealTimer].
               currentTime: times real.
               procFirst: timerWaiters first.
               currentTime < procFirst wakeTime ifTrue: [
                   ^ setRealTimer: procFirst wakeTime - currentTime.
               timerWaiters removeFirst.
               procFirst fullyRemoveFromSemaphore.  "Remove from 
semaphore he is
                                                     on (can be 
               procFirst status = processStatus waiting ifTrue: [
                   "Only waiting processes can be woken up by timer 
                    For suspended and dead processes, timer alarms are 
                   procFirst timerWakeup: true.  "Indicate that timer 
woke him up."
                   moveToReadyQ: procFirst.
             ] loop )

#16 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/scheduler.self:386): value = [ 
^ sigrealtimer ]

#17 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/boolean.self:168): 
ifTrue:False: = ( | self* = true. :b1 = <12>. :b2 = nil. |  b1 value )

#18 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/boolean.self:235): ifTrue: = ( 
| self* = true. :b = <12>. |  ifTrue: b   False: nil )

#19 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/scheduler.self:384): 
dispatchSignal: = ( | self* = <1>. :sig = 'sigrealtimer'. |
             "Should order these by frequency, but don't know best 
order. Ole /9/94"
             "Why not use a peform? Because it is slower and not so 
             debug ifTrue: [ sig printLine ].
             'sigcputimer'  = sig ifTrue: [^ sigcputimer].
             'sigrealtimer' = sig ifTrue: [^ sigrealtimer].
             'sigchild'     = sig ifTrue: [^ sigchild].
             'sighup'       = sig ifTrue: [^ sighup].
             'sigint'       = sig ifTrue: [^ sigint].
             'sigio'        = sig ifTrue: [^ sigio].
             'sigpipe'      = sig ifTrue: [^ sigpipe].
             'sigquit'      = sig ifTrue: [^ sigquit].
             'sigterm'      = sig ifTrue: [^ sigterm].
             'sigurg'       = sig ifTrue: [^ sigurg].
             'siguser1'     = sig ifTrue: [^ siguser1].
             'siguser2'     = sig ifTrue: [^ siguser2].
             'sigwinch'     = sig ifTrue: [^ sigwinch].
             'scheduler: ignoring unknown signal: ' print. sig printLine.
             self )

# 20 - # 23: skipped, stack print limit is 20

#24 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/block.self:259): loop = ( | 
self* = <13>. |  value. _Restart )

#25 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/block.self:532): whileTrue: = ( 
| self* = <14>. :b = <15>. |  [ value ifFalse: [ ^ nil ].  b value. ] 
loop )

#26 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/integer.self:805): 
to:ByPositive:Do: = ( | self* = 1. :end = 2. :step = 2. :block = <16>. 
i <- 1 "nil". |
             i: self.
             [ i <= end ] whileTrue: [
                 block value: i With: i.
                 i: i + step. ].
             nil )

#27 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/integer.self:775): value = [  ^ 
to: end ByPositive: step Do: block  ]

#28 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/boolean.self:168): 
ifTrue:False: = ( | self* = true. :b1 = <17>. :b2 = nil. |  b1 value )

#29 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/boolean.self:235): ifTrue: = ( 
| self* = true. :b = <17>. |  ifTrue: b   False: nil )

#30 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/integer.self:775): to:By:Do: = 
( | self* = 1. :end = 2. :step = 2. :block = <16>. |
             0 < step ifTrue: [ ^ to: end ByPositive: step Do: block ].
             0 > step ifTrue: [ ^ to: end ByNegative: step Do: block ].
             error: 'step is zero in to:By:Do: loop' )

#31 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/scheduler.self:944): signal = ( 
| self* = <1>. n <- 1 "0". |
             "result[0] contains number of different signals.  Every 
              is represented as a pair of array elements (name and 
              Currently, the counts are just ignored."
             n: (result at: 0).
             1 to: 2*n By: 2 Do: [|:i| dispatchSignal: (result at: i)].
             self )

#32 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/scheduler.self:360): value = [ 
^ signal ]

#33 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/boolean.self:168): 
ifTrue:False: = ( | self* = true. :b1 = <18>. :b2 = nil. |  b1 value )

#34 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/boolean.self:235): ifTrue: = ( 
| self* = true. :b = <18>. |  ifTrue: b   False: nil )

#35 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/scheduler.self:359): 
dispatchOnTwainsReturnValue: = ( | self* = <1>. :rv = 'signal'. |
             "Should order these by frequency, but I don't know best 
ordering. Ole, 9/94."
             "Why not perform here? It is slower and harder to 
             debug ifTrue: [ rv printLine].
             'signal'               = rv ifTrue: [^ signal].
             'yielded'              = rv ifTrue: [^ yielded].
             'aborted'              = rv ifTrue: [^ aborted].
             'couldntAllocateStack' = rv ifTrue: [^ 
             'finishedActivation'   = rv ifTrue: [^ finishedActivation].
             'lowOnSpace'           = rv ifTrue: [^ lowOnSpace].
             'noActivationError'    = rv ifTrue: [^ noActivationError].
             'noProcessError'       = rv ifTrue: [^ noProcessError].
             'nonLifoBlock'         = rv ifTrue: [^ nonLifoBlock].
             'singleStepped'        = rv ifTrue: [^ singleStepped].
             'stackOverflow'        = rv ifTrue: [^ stackOverflow].
             'terminated'           = rv ifTrue: [^ terminated].
             'twainsFailed'         = rv ifTrue: [^ twainsFailed].
             'schedulder: ignoring unexpected TWAINS return value: ' 
print. rv printLine.
             self )

#36 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/scheduler.self:580): value = [ 
| p <- <2> "nil". res <- 'signal' "nil". |
                 p: schedule.       "find next process to run"
                 currentProcess: p.

                 p setProcessStatus: processStatus running.
                 p swapInNotify.
                 res: (transfer: p).
                 p swapOutNotify.
                 p status = processStatus running ifTrue: [
                     "If no other event caused the process to change 
state away from
                      running (such as blocking on a semaphore), now 
demote its state
                      from running to ready."
                     p setProcessStatus: processStatus ready.

                 dispatchOnTwainsReturnValue: res.   "handle event which 
caused TWAINS to return."

#37 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/block.self:518): value = [  
value ifTrue: [ ^ nil ].  b value.  ]

#38 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/block.self:259): loop = ( | 
self* = <19>. |  value. _Restart )

#39 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/block.self:518): whileFalse: = 
( | self* = <20>. :b = <21>. |
             [ value ifTrue: [ ^ nil ].  b value. ] loop )

#40 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/scheduler.self:579): loop = ( | 
self* = <1>. |
             [stopping] whileFalse: [|res. p|
                 p: schedule.       "find next process to run"
                 currentProcess: p.

                 p setProcessStatus: processStatus running.
                 p swapInNotify.
                 res: (transfer: p).
                 p swapOutNotify.
                 p status = processStatus running ifTrue: [
                     "If no other event caused the process to change 
state away from
                      running (such as blocking on a semaphore), now 
demote its state
                      from running to ready."
                     p setProcessStatus: processStatus ready.

                 dispatchOnTwainsReturnValue: res.   "handle event which 
caused TWAINS to return."
             self )

#41 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/scheduler.self:1083): start = ( 
| self* = <1>. |
             "fixes sched wont restart bug--dmu"
             schedulerProcess onSemaphore: nullSemaphore.

             readyQ       sorter: prioritySorter.
             timerWaiters sorter: wakeupSorter.
             errorLevel: 0.
             schedulerProcess causeOfBirth: 'scheduler'.
             schedulerProcess resetCauseOfError.
             timerWaiters removeAll.
             cleanupQ: readyQ.
             cleanupQ: suspendedQ.
             cleanupQ: waitingQ.

             fileTable mapBy: [semaphore copyBinary wait].
             os_file startAsync.
             stopping: false.
             snapshotAction schedulerInitial.
             os_file stopAsync.
             schedulerProcess causeOfBirth: 'initial process'.
             self )

#42 (/Users/adamspitz/self/objects/core/snapshotAction.self:233): 
postRead = ( | self* = <22>. |
             sendMessages: postReadMessages.
             scheduler start.
             self )

#43 (<postRead Snapshot>:1): <top level expr> = ( | self* = lobby. | 
snapshotAction postRea )


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