policy change (was: New file uploaded to self-interest)

Jecel Assumpcao Jr jecel at merlintec.com
Mon May 27 15:09:26 UTC 2002

Well, in their never ending quest to irritate us spammers have found a 
new way to abuse Yahoo groups: they register as members and then add 
their spam to the files section so that a notice about the new file is 
sent to everyone getting around the moderator. Actually, that tactic is 
not needed here since this list is not moderated but it seems that they 
can't be bothered to check that.

I considered changing the subscription policy to "moderated" but after 
reviewing the members list I see that it would be too hard to guess who 
is a spammer and who isn't.

So the alternative was to set the files section of our group to 
"moderated" since it hasn't been such a popular feature (only one real 
file uploaded since 1998).

-- Jecel

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