selfUnit files

Thorsten Dittmar thorsten.dittmar at
Wed Jun 26 13:24:02 UTC 2002

Here the is the first version of unit testing for self. The problem with the
file out that I reported last times, is still not fixed but I have modified
the files so that everything is in their right now.

To install it use the self shell and do:
bootstrap read: 'selfUnitProcessing' From: 'applications'.
bootstrap read: 'selfUnit' From: 'applications'.
bootstrap read: 'selfUnitExamples' From: 'applications'.

This version has no GUI right now and it is a port of the sUnit 3.0
implementation. I hope I can make the GUI in next two weeks. If you want to
know more about unit testing look at: (the java

In the moment I haven't a good idea how I can implement should: aBlock
raise: aSignal or shouldNot: aBlock raise: aSignal. Right now I only differ
between errors and failures. A failure occurs when a result of a message
send is not like you anticipated. An error is when the message breaks during
its computation. I catch all errors, failures and count them.

To create a new unit test:
- create a copy down child of the prototype testCase
- create new slots named test* (see the example or the tests for the
- send buildSuite to the testCase object, the result is a testSuite
- send run to the testSuite and the result is a testResult

The test result contains three sets. One for errors, one for failures and
one for successes. In this sets are the corresponding testCases. You can
also send run to a single test case.

So please send me your comments and please consider that I'm not a self guru

PS: The file area of the yahoo group was and is still not accessible at
least for me. So sending them to the list was the only practical way. Sorry
for that.

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