[self-interest] Re: real class derived from complex class

Jecel Assumpcao Jr jecel at merlintec.com
Mon Aug 26 22:51:09 UTC 2002

On Sunday 25 August 2002 16:17, Albertina Lourenci wrote:
> Jocoplien at cs.com wrote:
> > In a message dated 8/25/02 10:16:43, lourenci at lsi.usp.br writes:
> >
> > << As I told you, I would never derive a real class from a complex
> > class. I would extend the real class to the complex class. >>
> >
> > To me, this is somewhat ridiculous.

It is from a static type viewpoint. But Self hides concrete types (or 
implementation types or whatever you call them) and has no model for 
abstract types (or protocols, or interfaces....) though such a model 
can be added by the programmer very easily.

> >  Both self and
> > C++ introduce their own kinds of problems, and that means the
> > problem is modeled differently for the respective solution
> > technologies.  Different languages, different semiotics, different
> > models.


> > Here's some real code;  let's get concrete, and then abstract
> > (or, if you prefer, use the concrete as a means for
> > exhibiting the abstract).  This all comes down to code at
> > some point, and arguments short of code run the risk
> > of being circular and imprecise. Can you show me how you would
> > extend the following (or any) Real class to be a Complex?
> >
> > Then maybe we will have a baseline should Jecel choose to
> > contribute a self example...
> >
> > class Real {
> > public:
> > friend Real operator+(const Real &r1, const Real &r2) {
> >     register Real retval = r1;
> >     retval += r2;
> >     return retval;
> > }
> > friend Real operator-(const Real &r1, const Real &r2) ...
> > friend Real operator*(const Real &r1, const Real &r2) ...
> > ....
> >     Real &operator+=(const Real &r1) { rep += r1.rep; return *this;
> > } Real &operator-=(const Real &r1) { rep -= r1.rep; return *this; }
> > Real &opeartor+=(const Real &r1) ...
> >     ....
> >     Real(double r1): rep(r1) { }
> >     Real(const Real &r1): rep(r1.rep) { }
> >     Real operator=(const Real &r1) { rep = r1.rep; return *this; }
> >     ~Real() { }
> > private:
> >     double rep;
> > };

Here I'll simplify the notation for creating new global slots a bit to 
make the text less ugly (you would do this graphically in Self anyway):

  "shared behavior for all real objects"
  traits real = ( | parent* = traits clonable.
                         + arg = ( copy += arg ).
                         - arg = ( copy -= arg ).
                         * arg = ( copy *= arg ).
                         += arg = ( rep: rep + arg rep ).
                         -= arg = ( rep: rep - arg rep ).
                         *= arg = ( rep: rep * arg rep ).
                         = arg = ( rep = arg rep ).
  | )

  "the prototypical real object"
  real = ( | parent* = traits real. rep <- 0.0 | )

I think this is very close in spirit to your C++ code.

> > class Complex: public (?) Real {
> > ???
> > };

  traits complex = ( | parent* = traits real.
                         += arg = ( rep: rep + arg rep.
                                           imp: imp + arg imp ).
   "warning! this depends on imp: returning self!"
                         -= arg = ( rep: rep - arg rep.
                                          imp: imp - arg imp ).
                         *= arg = ( rep: (rep * arg rep)
                                                   -(imp * arg imp).
                                          imp: (rep * arg imp)
                                                   +(imp * arg rep) ).
                         = arg = ( (rep = arg rep) && [imp = arg imp] ).
  | )

  complex = ( | parent* = traits complex. rep <- 0.0. imp <- 0.0 | )

This is really, really ugly and a real implementation would have to fit 
into the Self double dispatching scheme for numbers. But it does work. 
Adding a "imp = 0.0" slot to traits real would make things work even 

-- Jecel

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