[self-interest] self site

Jecel Assumpcao Jr jecel at lsi.usp.br
Mon May 24 04:23:03 UTC 1999

I am thinking of setting up a new web site for use by all in the
Self community. I will pay for it myself, and will also do the
necessary programming (in Python, I'm afraid. I can't use Self or
even Squeak/PWS to host a site with commercial hosting services)
to get it going. The pages will be editable by everyone (with
some minimal protection to avoid vandalism), so this won't work
unless there are enough interested people.

My idea for the layout would be something like the OutlinerMorphs
in Self 4.0, with the following categories:

  - People: it isn't much of a community if we don't get to know
            each other

  - Documentation: papers, future books, web pages and any other stuff

  - Applications: end user programs like the Browser or Simulators

  - Infrastructure: middle level programs. Frameworks like Morphic

  - Implementations: virtual machines, like JSelf, Self 4.0 Sparc,
                     Self 4.0 Intel, Self/R, OpenSelf

Well, it wouldn't always be easy to fit a project in one of these
categories. And as the list grows, we would have to subdivide into
subcategories some of the above. And there would be a lot of
interdependece between these projects, so it would be nice to have
hyperlinks automatically inserted.

For any given page, the following items can be added separately:

  - request: a suggestion for a feature for that project, or even
             for starting a new project

  - bug report: similar to the above, but describing a problem with
                the project

  - change: indicates that some new code has been added. Normally
            associated with requests and changes. Also has a link
            from which the source code may be fetched

  - comment: can be associated with any of the above (or even with
             another comment). Forms a very specific an localized

The code included in the changes is always in the form of a patch
to be applied to a release. Every once in a while, the project "owner"
will gather a set of changes into a new release, thus altering
the status of a series of bugs and requests from "pending" to
"fixed". Anyone can create any of the above except for a new release.

If this looks like the system in the Smalltalk "green book", that
is because that is where the original inspiration came from. I
have used CVS for controlling software versions and have also given
Aegis a try, but I think this simpler and older system would
better serve the needs of this community.

I would really like some feedback on this, If there is enough support,
I will create the new site in the first week of June.

-- Jecel


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