[self-interest] Scientific experiment

Douglas Atique datique at alcatel.com.br
Mon Jun 21 22:09:16 UTC 1999

Hello all,
I have carried an experiment which I would like to report to all, so
that someone can help me explain it. I have started a standard Self
world, full of objects. I opened the spy with _Spy: true. Then, slowly,
I have removed slots from the lobby with lobby _RemoveSlot: '<slot
name>' until the lobby became an empty object. Then I typed
_GarbageCollect to try to force all objects that aren't the lobby to be
garbage collected, what didn't actually happen. What happened and why
does it happen?
My thesis was that all objects that aren't referenced by the lobby would
be reclaimed by the garbage collector. Even though this is contradictory
if we take into account the fact that many objects that are named
anObject aren't referenced by the lobby and don't get garbage collected
after some time. Where are Self objects hung? Does anyone know? How
could I garbage collect them?
No, I never opened frogs at school...


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