Hello, world!

Huebner Michael.Huebner at PrakInf.TU-Ilmenau.DE
Tue Nov 7 17:39:59 UTC 1995

Here is my module 'scroll' for a simple scrollMorph (in globals>ui2>...>Basic>).
Put it in a file and say '_RunScript' to the filename in Self (Is there a better
way to fileIn a module?)
It is a very raw hack to look what happens, no quality at all.
You have to get a copy of the sliderMorph (0.0 .. 100.0) and set the target of it 
to your copy of the scrollMorph.
The selector that is to be sent from the sliderMorph to your scrollMorph has to be 
set by hand in your sliderMorph to 'scrollY:'. Don't forget the colon at the end! 

To bring another morph into your scrollMorph place the morph in the position 
where it should be when the slider is up and use the 'Embed in Morph Below' feature.
A good scrollee for the test is the green 'Welcome to Self 4.0' morph.

The problems that occur are
1) when you click on the region with the hidden part of the embedded morph
	the scrollMorph is selected
	(this happens only after you selected the scrollMorph at most once)
2) when moving the scrollMorph, the shadowing of the embedded morph is not clipped
	on the boundaries of the scrollMorph

This behavior is not easy to change.


----------------- cut here --------------------------------------------------------

Copyright 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Stanford University.
See the LICENSE file for license information.

 '-- Module body'

 bootstrap addSlotsTo: bootstrap stub -> 'globals' -> 'modules' -> () From: ( | {
         'ModuleInfo: Module: scroll InitialContents: FollowSlot'
         scroll = bootstrap define: bootstrap stub -> 'globals' -> 'modules' -> 'scroll' -> () ToBe: bootstrap addSlotsTo: (
             bootstrap remove: 'comment' From:
             bootstrap remove: 'directory' From:
             bootstrap remove: 'fileInTimeString' From:
             bootstrap remove: 'postFileIn' From:
             bootstrap remove: 'revision' From:
             bootstrap remove: 'subpartNames' From:
             globals modules init copy ) From: bootstrap setObjectAnnotationOf: bootstrap stub -> 'globals' -> 'modules' -> 'scroll' -> () From: ( |
             {} = 'ModuleInfo: Creator: globals modules scroll.

globals modules init. copy 
SlotsToOmit: comment directory fileInTimeString postFileIn revision subpartNames.

\x7fIsComplete: '.
            | ) .
        } | ) 

 bootstrap addSlotsTo: bootstrap stub -> 'globals' -> 'modules' -> 'scroll' -> () From: ( | {
         'ModuleInfo: Module: scroll InitialContents: FollowSlot\x7fVisibility: public'
         comment <- ''.
        } | ) 

 bootstrap addSlotsTo: bootstrap stub -> 'globals' -> 'modules' -> 'scroll' -> () From: ( | {
         'ModuleInfo: Module: scroll InitialContents: FollowSlot\x7fVisibility: public'
         directory <- 'applications'.
        } | ) 

 bootstrap addSlotsTo: bootstrap stub -> 'globals' -> 'modules' -> 'scroll' -> () From: ( | {
         'ModuleInfo: Module: scroll InitialContents: InitializeToExpression: (_CurrentTimeString)\x7fVisibility: public'
         fileInTimeString <- _CurrentTimeString.
        } | ) 

 bootstrap addSlotsTo: bootstrap stub -> 'globals' -> 'modules' -> 'scroll' -> () From: ( | {
         'ModuleInfo: Module: scroll InitialContents: FollowSlot'
         postFileIn = ( |
            transporter moduleDictionary resetFillingSemaphore.
            snapshotAction addSchedulerInitialMessage:  
              message copy receiver: transporter moduleDictionary
                           Selector: 'resetFillingSemaphore'.
        } | ) 

 bootstrap addSlotsTo: bootstrap stub -> 'globals' -> 'modules' -> 'scroll' -> () From: ( | {
         'ModuleInfo: Module: scroll InitialContents: FollowSlot\x7fVisibility: public'
         revision <- '$Revision:$'.
        } | ) 

 bootstrap addSlotsTo: bootstrap stub -> 'globals' -> 'modules' -> 'scroll' -> () From: ( | {
         'ModuleInfo: Module: scroll InitialContents: FollowSlot\x7fVisibility: public'
         subpartNames <- ''.
        } | ) 

 bootstrap addSlotsTo: bootstrap stub -> 'globals' -> () From: ( | {
         'Category: ui2\x7fCategory: System\x7fCategory: Morphs\x7fCategory: Basic\x7fModuleInfo: Module: scroll InitialContents: FollowSlot\x7fVisibility: public'
         scrollMorph = bootstrap define: bootstrap stub -> 'globals' -> 'scrollMorph' -> () ToBe: bootstrap addSlotsTo: (
             bootstrap remove: 'parent' From:
             bootstrap remove: 'prototype' From:
             globals morph copyRemoveAllMorphs ) From: bootstrap setObjectAnnotationOf: bootstrap stub -> 'globals' -> 'scrollMorph' -> () From: ( |
             {} = 'ModuleInfo: Creator: globals scrollMorph.

globals morph. copyRemoveAllMorphs 
SlotsToOmit: parent prototype.

\x7fIsComplete: '.
            | ) .
        } | ) 

 bootstrap addSlotsTo: bootstrap stub -> 'traits' -> () From: ( | {
         'Category: ui2\x7fCategory: System\x7fCategory: Morphs\x7fCategory: Basic\x7fModuleInfo: Module: scroll InitialContents: FollowSlot\x7fVisibility: public'
         scrollMorph = bootstrap setObjectAnnotationOf: bootstrap stub -> 'traits' -> 'scrollMorph' -> () From: ( |
             {} = 'ModuleInfo: Creator: traits scrollMorph.
            | ) .
        } | ) 

 bootstrap addSlotsTo: bootstrap stub -> 'globals' -> 'scrollMorph' -> () From: ( | {
         'ModuleInfo: Module: scroll InitialContents: FollowSlot\x7fVisibility: public'
         parent* = bootstrap stub -> 'traits' -> 'scrollMorph' -> ().
        } | ) 

 bootstrap addSlotsTo: bootstrap stub -> 'globals' -> 'scrollMorph' -> () From: ( | {
         'Category: filing out\x7fModuleInfo: Module: scroll InitialContents: FollowSlot\x7fVisibility: public'
         prototype = ( |
            | scrollMorph).
        } | ) 

 bootstrap addSlotsTo: bootstrap stub -> 'globals' -> 'scrollMorph' -> () From: ( | {
         'Category: clipping\x7fModuleInfo: Module: scroll InitialContents: InitializeToExpression: (0)'
         x_off <- 0.
        } | ) 

 bootstrap addSlotsTo: bootstrap stub -> 'globals' -> 'scrollMorph' -> () From: ( | {
         'Category: clipping\x7fModuleInfo: Module: scroll InitialContents: InitializeToExpression: (0)'
         y_off <- 0.
        } | ) 

 bootstrap addSlotsTo: bootstrap stub -> 'traits' -> 'scrollMorph' -> () From: ( | {
         'Category: contents handling\x7fModuleInfo: Module: scroll InitialContents: FollowSlot'
         contents = ( |
            0 = morphCount
            ifTrue: [^morph].
        } | ) 

 bootstrap addSlotsTo: bootstrap stub -> 'traits' -> 'scrollMorph' -> () From: ( | {
         'ModuleInfo: Module: scroll InitialContents: FollowSlot'
         drawOn: aCanvas = ( |
            baseDrawOn: aCanvas.
            0 = morphCount
              ifFalse: [aCanvas withClip: baseBounds Do:
                [|c| c: (aCanvas copyOffset: position + (x_off @ y_off)).
                morphsReverseDo: [| :m | m drawOn: c]]].
        } | ) 

 bootstrap addSlotsTo: bootstrap stub -> 'traits' -> 'scrollMorph' -> () From: ( | {
         'Category: contents handling\x7fModuleInfo: Module: scroll InitialContents: FollowSlot'
         noStickOuts = bootstrap stub -> 'globals' -> 'true' -> ().
        } | ) 

 bootstrap addSlotsTo: bootstrap stub -> 'traits' -> 'scrollMorph' -> () From: ( | {
         'Category: contents handling\x7fModuleInfo: Module: scroll InitialContents: FollowSlot'
         noStickOuts: arg = ( |
            | self).
        } | ) 

 bootstrap addSlotsTo: bootstrap stub -> 'traits' -> 'scrollMorph' -> () From: ( | {
         'ModuleInfo: Module: scroll InitialContents: FollowSlot'
         parent* = bootstrap stub -> 'traits' -> 'morph' -> ().
        } | ) 

 bootstrap addSlotsTo: bootstrap stub -> 'traits' -> 'scrollMorph' -> () From: ( | {
         'Category: scrolling\x7fModuleInfo: Module: scroll InitialContents: FollowSlot'
         scrollY: value = ( |
             new_y_off <- 0.
            "called when using the scrollbar, value in [0.0, 100.0]"
            origExtent: contents height.
            clipExtent: baseBounds height.
            spaceToScroll: origExtent - clipExtent.
            spaceToScroll > 0 ifTrue: [ 
              new_y_off: (((value/ 100) - 1) * spaceToScroll) asInteger].
            y_off = new_y_off ifFalse: [ y_off: new_y_off. changed ]).
        } | ) 

 '-- Side effects'

 globals modules scroll postFileIn

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