
Lars Bak Lars.Bak at Sun.COM
Mon Apr 18 01:05:29 UTC 1994

Hi Francis,
  I've enclosed the missing document along with vmUseDoc.txt.
  Please let me know if you have any problems compiling the vm.
//Lars Bak, The Self Group, SunLabs

Sun-$Revision: 10.1 $

[ The Self 3.0 release includes VM source code, tools comprising
  the Self VM development system, as well as the Self executable
  and Self source files.

  The VM source code is undocumented.

  The Self VM development system is documented only in notes in the
  file vmUseDoc.txt.  These notes were written by users of the Self
  development system at the University of Washington.  Although it
  was written with that environment in mind, it is largely applicable
  to users of the 3.0 release who wish to program the virtual machine.

  To fully use the system as described below, the files in the
  "baseline" need to be under RCS revision control.  This you will
  have to do yourself.  Alternatively, you can just ignore the
  baseline/working-tree distinction and just use the files in
  their installed directories.

  "Quick Start":

    If you decide not to keep a baseline system under RCS and instead
    just use the files in the installed directories, this is how you
    can compile the system for the first time:

    1. Add the environment variables to your .cshrc file as described
       below in "Your .cshrc File".

    2. Go to self/{sun4,svr4}/debug.

    3. Do "touch Dependencies" to create a file called Dependencies.

    4. Do "make lists" to create symbolic links to the source files.

    5. Do "make" to compile a Self executable (non-optimized code
       that will include debugging symbols).

  Good luck!
  The Self Group ]

% Sun-$Revision: 10.1 $

Notes on how to Use the Self Development System

  Miles Ohlrich, Jeffrey Dean, Christine Ahrens, and Craig Chambers
  Department of Computer Science and Engineering
  University of Washington

Working trees, baselines, and all that

There exists a directory tree called the baseline that holds all the
standard source code for the Self implementation and the Self code.
Each baseline directory containing text files also contains an RCS
subdirectory which holds RCS files for all the text files.

Each person who wants to be making modifications to this code gets
his/her own copy of the whole directory tree; this personal copy of
the tree is called a working tree.  To make modifications to the
system, the person modifies his/her own working tree to their heart's
content.  There exist scripts that support checking in all local
changes to the baseline (called a publish) and merging all
improvements published by other users into a person's working tree
(called an update).  These scripts internally perform RCS commands,
ensuring that there's a log of all changes that have been made.

One invariant: the baseline should always be a correct working system,
suitable for demos.  Never publish changes that would violate this

At UW, the baseline is in /projects/self/self-baseline; working
trees are typically placed in $(HOME)/self.

Your .cshrc File

Before running Self or recompiling Self, you need to move the
following into your .cshrc (the directories used are appropriate for

  setenv SELF_WORKING_DIR  ~/self          # the place for the working tree
  setenv SELF_BASELINE_DIR /projects/self/self-baseline # the baseline

  if ($?LD_LIBRARY_PATH) then
     setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH      $SELF_LD_PATH
  unsetenv SELF_LD_PATH

  set path=($SELF_WORKING_DIR/bin/{$arch,shell} \
            $SELF_BASELINE_DIR/bin/{$arch,shell} \
            $path \
            {$SELF_WORKING_DIR,$SELF_BASELINE_DIR}/optimized/sun4 )

This code may also be found in ${SELF_BASELINE_DIR}/self.cshrc at UW, which
can simply be source'd as part of reading your .cshrc.

make options

Each directory has a Makefile which supports a variety of
operations.  When invoked in $(HOME)/self, recursively traverses all
subdirectories, too.

make update
  Updates files from the baseline.  For all files that have been
  changed in the baseline since the last update, this operation will
  create a new file that contains the merge of local changes and other
  published changes.  If any changes overlap, then a merge conflict
  arises; these need to be resolved by hand.  To assist in understanding
  what happened during an update, the original pre-update file is always
  available in a file named *.OLD.

  Update will also create new files added to the baseline, and remove
  old files removed from the baseline.  If changes have been made to the
  local file and it was deleted as part of the update, the local file is
  still around, renamed to *.OLD.

  Update merges the baseline with the changes that you have already
  made.  Thus, if you make changes and want to get rid of them, delete
  the files before doing a make update.

  You should do make browse once you've updated.  It will show
  you the difference between new and old versions of your working tree
  source (i.e., the changes to your code that resulted from make

  To avoid browsing changes from earlier updates, it's a good
  idea to remove all the *.OLD files before an update.

  See the section on updating for more information.

make publish
  Publishes changed files to the baseline.  Publish only works if no
  other publishes have happened since the last time you did an update,
  so as a general rule, do a make update just prior to a make
  publish, to ensure that no one else has done a publish recently.
  Since make publish gives new revision numbers to all published
  files, a make touch after the publish will avoid unnecessary
  recompilation after a publish.

  For new files, make publish will ask whether the files should be
  checked in.  Text files containing $\Revision$ lines (without the \)
  should be, while binary executables should not.

  Make publish might also ask if you want to remove an old baseline
  file.  This is expected if you have removed a file locally and want it
  to be removed in the baseline, too.  If not, then something is amiss
  and further checking is called for (just say no to the question and
  then investigate).  Removing a baseline file doesn't remove the RCS
  log; that stays around forever.

  See the section on publishing for more details.

make browse
  Reports all changes made as a result of a make update.

make compare
  Reports differences between files in the working tree and the baseline.

make lists
  After adding and/or removing a file from the list of C++/asm source
  files (the list of files that get compiled and linked to form Self),
  possibly through an update, you need to run make lists in any of
  the sun[34]/{debug,optimized,profiled} directories you want to
  recompile.  This rebuilds all the symbolic links to the scattered
  source files and automatically runs make includeDB at the end.

make includeDB
  If you add or remove a #include dependency by editing the
  includeDB file in $(HOME)/self, you need to run make
  includeDB to get these updates included in future recompilations.  DO
  NOT modify the includeDB file in the compiling directories; they
  are automatically generated from the master file in
  $(HOME)/self.  The includeDB file contains an entry for every
  #include dependency from one file to another.  No source files
  directly include any dependencies, except for .c and .s
  files which must include the single line

    #include "file.[cs].incl"

  make includeDB generates a file.[cs].incl file and a
  file.[cs].dep file for each source file; the latter are read in to
  the Makefile to reflect inter-file dependencies for make.

make touch
  This command does a touch on all .o and other
  compilation-related output files in the directory.  Useful after a
  make publish.

make backup
  Calls the Backup script for all source files.  Pretty old.

make files
  Makes all the .o files but doesn't do the link step.  Useful for
  a bunch of makes run in parallel.  A make Self command
  should be run on one machine to do the actual linking.

  Parallel makes are automatically managed by the makefiles so that only
  one machine compiles any particular file. This is implemented by
  creating a lock file for each file as the compile begins, and avoiding
  compiling already-locked files (see the lock_run program and
  the Makefile for details).

  A naked make (not make Self) removes all old lock files
  first, so a naked make shouldn't be done if there's already an
  existing make files running in that directory.

make clean
  This removes all automatically-generated files from a directory.

make convertToUWRevs and make convertToSunRevs
  Things that Craig runs to transfer files between Sun/Stanford and UW.

make selfWorkingTree
make vmWorkingTree
make cecilWorkingTree
  Builds a fresh new working tree directory structure for a new
  person.  Run make update afterwards to fill it in with files.
  The first command builds something for people who just want to write
  and run Self programs.  The second builds the full working tree for
  people who want to modify the Self virtual machine implementation.
  The third command is useful for people who want to run or modify the
  Cecil interpreter, written in Self.

make tags
  Makes a tags file from the sources.

make ftp
  Used to ftp a new release of the system to the appropriate place.

How to add or delete a file

Put the file in a source directory.  New files should NOT be created
in the compilation directories
$(HOME)/self/sun[34]/{debug,optimized,profiled}, which is where
all the soft links are made.  At the beginning of the file, put a line
that looks like:

        /* $\Revision$ */

without the \ (which is there so checking in this text file won't
alter the text above!).

This line will be filled in with a revision number when you publish the file.

You must also include #pragma lines.  The #pragmas are
entered by hand and are commands to GNU gcc to avoid duplicating
symbols and other stuff in every .c file that #includes a
.h file.  Each .h file (almost) should have a
#pragma interface line (all except those read by the assembler,
which doesn't like #pragmas), and exactly one .c file
should have a #pragma implementation for each header file.  A
#pragma line looks like the following:

        # pragma implementation "file.h" (in file.c file)

        # pragma interface  (in file.h file)

Add the new file to the list of files in the Makefile in that
source directory.  Then add the headers that it will use into
$(HOME)/self/includeDB.  Now do make lists (this runs
make includeDB automatically at the end).  Whenever you make changes
to the file, do a make.  Whenever you add or remove an include
dependency, do make includeDB, then make.

If you delete a file, remove its lines from the original includeDB
(in $(HOME)/self) and run make lists and make.

MachineName files

Located typically in $(HOME)/bin are the following files:


These files contain the names of the machines used in a parallel make.

Useful Programs

  mf does a parallel make on a group of machines.  The machines to
  use are derived by running the various MachineName scripts
  described above.  In order to stop a parallel make, use mzap

mzap and zap
  Typing zap make kills a make on the current machine.
  mzap does an rsh to all machines and runs zap make on each
  machine.  mzap is used to stop a parallel make started by

Compiling Self tricks

Just changing debug.h to add new user changeable variables.
It's only necessary to recompile debug.o, prim.o, and
oop.o.  Touch the appropriate files to prevent a massive

Updating Notes

There are a few source files that are generated automatically by the
Self primitive maker program.  These files include *.primMaker.h
and *.wrappers.self files.  (They all have a comment at the top
saying they're machine generated.)  These files do not have revision
numbers automatically-generated for them.  This means that if they're
changed (by running the primitive maker on a new set of templates),
then make update won't be able to figure out what to do.  It
reports a message like "bad revision numbers" and then asks if you
want to update anyway.

If you haven't changed the file, then it's pretty likely that the
change is due to someone else changing the baseline version, and you
want to get their changes, so you normally answer y to this

If for some reason you have changed the file (because you added,
changed, and/or removed some glue primitives to the system), then
you'll get this message too, but you won't want to throw away all your
local changes, so you say n to the question.  Since someone else
might have changed the file too, in this case you need to manually run
diff on the two files to see if there are any other changes you need
to incorporate in your local version of the file.  Or you can just
re-run the primitive maker to regenerate your file after answering
y to the question.

If in doubt, answer y, and then do a make browse or a
diff to see what happened, and manually get the files correct.

Publishing Notes

When publishing a set of revisions you should generally follow the
following steps:

  Do a make update in your ~/self directory, to ensure
  that you have the latest set of revisions.

  Compile all 3 versions of the compiler for the Sun-4.  These are
  found in ~/self/sun4/{debug,optimized,profiled}.

  Test your revisions sufficiently to ensure they are working
  correctly.  At a minimum, this involves running tests runSuite
  from the Self prompt in the debug and optimized versions.  It's
  important to run the debug version of the tests because the
  assertions in that version will detect many problems that might not
  arise using the optimized version.  If the changes were substantial,
  you should run the test suite in all three versions of the compiler.
  The optimized version should be run too because this is the version
  that is used for demos and by people who just want to use Self rather
  than modify it.

  If you have other tests that you feel are appropriate, run
  these to ensure that they give the expected results.  If you feel
  these are generally useful, consider adding them to the test suite.

  Do a make compare in ~/self to ensure that the
  changes you made are sensible and that you aren't publishing code in
  an unclean state (commented out debugging code, unused variables,
  etc).  Make sure that it is clear what your changes do, either
  directly from the code or from comments.

  Once you are confident that your revisions work correctly, type
  make publish in ~/self.  This will check in all the
  modified files to the baseline version of the system.

  Send mail to the other implementors at your site notifying them
  of the new version so that they can update.


This stuff is all described in much more detail in the Self manual.

You create a snapshot with the command 'all' run followed
by 'ws'.

Load a snapshot in a couple of ways:

  Use Snapshot instead of Self to start up the system.

  Use rs from the Self prompt.  Short for 'Snapshot'
  _ReadSnapshot (sort of).

Tests and Benchmarks

To test the system, start Self, read in the world ('all'
run), create a snapshot (ws), and evaluate tests
runSuite.  This will run tons of Self code and do a pretty good test
of the system.  It takes a while, though.  If you're running Self on
the Sun workstation at your desk (i.e., not remotely on another
machine), then you can test the UI by evaluating ui test.

Run benchmarks with the benchmarks measurePerformance command.
This will run the basic benchmarks suite.  There are also other
benchmark suites in the benchmarks library:

  coreSuite - Just the Stanford integer benchmarks (nice and small)
  largeSuite - Suite of large program which take a long time to compile
  measuringSuite - all benchmarks

An example of running one of these suites is:

  benchmarks measurePerformanceOf: benchmarks measuringSuite

When running any of the suites with the large programs which take a
while to compile, it is best to set _MaxCompilePause: 300000
(or some large number) and _MaxCompilerResourceUsage: 15 * 1024
* 1024.  This will prevent compilations from running out of time
and/or space and taking forever to execute because bad code is

If you're running benchmarks and then want to re-run them, you must do
a _Flush if you want the compilation times to be accurate, or if you
have changed some parameters which affect the compiler.  This will
force the compiler to recompile everything.

If you want to use the inlining compiler (slower to compile but
generated code is faster), you have to set _FirstCompiler:
'new'.  If you want the non-inlining compiler (the nic), the new
compiler after so many executions of any given method), you should say
_FirstCompiler: 'nic'.  I generally leave the compiler set to
'nic' and modified my benchmarks.self file to turn on the
new compiler just before it runs a benchmark and turn it back off
again when it finishes.  Otherwise, things slow down pretty badly.
Additionally, if you set
_FirstCompiler: 'nic' but do not set _Recompiler: 'none',
then the system will automatically recompile methods with the new
compiler after they have been called 10,000 times (settable by a debug
parameter; see the manual or debug.h).  If you do not want any
recompilations of this sort, set _Recompiler: 'none'.  But why
wouldn't you?


To make a profile of your system (using the profiled version of Self):

  VM# _VMProfiling: true
  VM# [ ... ] value
  VM# _VMProfiling: false
  VM# _Quit

  ;; this creates gmon.out, a gprof data file

  ;; now put profile data in a nice form
  lutefisk% profile [output file name, defaults to Profile]

Self Subdirectory Contents


        Object representations
        g.c. (various types:  generational scavenging and mark and sweep)
        and heap spaces


        The nic compiler implementation
        unoptimized compiler
        works on SPARC and Sun-3


        new optimizing compiler
        runs only on SPARC


        back end assembler


        ``nmethods'' = native code methods, compiled, as in [Deutch-Schiffman]
        ``nmln'' = nmethod link, implementation of dependency links
                (doubly linked list)
        ``codeTable'' = optimizes method lookup if method not found in lookup
                hash table


        recursive descent parser, handwritten for Self
        constructs objects from text and stores them in the heap


        definitions for method lookup
        inline caching


        runtime support (asm glue, which ties compiled code and C++ together)
        stack frames
        multiple processes


        system primitives


        system .h files changed by Self group


        Self code


        profiled - optimized and profiled


        mac OS port - dead


        various short documents


        shell - supporting shell scripts
        src - C/C++ source code for other support programs
        sun[34] - binaries generated from src


        A place for Self applications that aren't part of the kernel
        release, such as the Cecil interpreter.

Other Ideas

style sheet
running and adding test suites

At 17:28 4/18/94 +0200, Francis PUECH wrote:
>        I tried to avoid bothering all of you and sent this one
>        to self-interest at self.stanford.edu but got no response, so...
>Hi,   Self-3.0 seems very interesting but..
>due to a site policy (we are allowed to import freeware but only
>in source code form) i got Optional.VM.tar.gz and ran into trouble
>as i did not find the vmUseDoc document mentionned in Self-3.0/svr4/README.
>The source structure beeing somewhat complex, i would greatly appreciate
>any pointer
>Francis Puech
>puech at limeil.cea.fr

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