No subject

Dirk Steinberg dirkst at
Tue Aug 18 17:57:39 UTC 1992


I have recently read about Self and ftp'd some papers from,
I even got the sun4 version of Self 2.0 and played around with it for a few
minutes. Otherwise, I have no experience with Self whatsoever, but from what
I read I am kand of enthusiastic.

My question: Is anyone porting Self to some other platform, maybe even to the
386? I have Linux running on a 486/33 w/ 16 Meg RAM and 500 Meg HD, which should
be a workable system for Self; I have gcc-2.2.2 and libg++-2.2, so it should be 
possible to compile the virtual machine (judging from the README's).
BUT: I have the feeling that the compiler really generates native SPARC code and
so one would have to write a completely new backend and assembler for the 386.
I guess that would be a *major* project!?? Is the compiler/assembler written in Self
or C++? If Self is tied to the SPARC achitecure and inherently non=portable, then
that would nagatively influence the impact that this exciting software could have.

How about using the gcc backend?

Thanks for any info,


Dirk Steinberg
dirkst at

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